Saturday, June 11, 2011

Finished work and others...........

This period whas pretty hectic but nice, we had the tattoo convention with our shop ( or a lot of great artists from allover the world are working with us as guest artists.   Inia and Crock (New Zealand) are here  (thanks Croc for the traditional Tatau you gave me), Victor Policheri (USA),  Hercoly Rocha from Brasil.
It's real nice to work there and hearing all the buzzing machines arround you and ofcourse it's inspiring with all these great artists arround you.

This customer came to me about a year ago and he had a copple of tribal bands around his upper arm who he want to cover up and we make a black piece out of it, i love doing big pieces of black!

Thanx Croc for the traditional Tatau you gave me:)

 Au Ta tools of croc

Au Ta tools made by Croc for Inia

Arthur already had some Marquesan tattoos on his lower arm done by a friend and henk schiffmacher, they where strangly placed patches on his arms and 3 triangles on his chest. He heard  about me and came to ask me if i could make one nice piece out of it and  i think i did a pretty good job.

Here's Sonny again, i finally finished his sleeve!

this is Manuel, he wanted a big G-lef with some music notes arround it, he makes music himself and i asked him to put some notes on his back from his own song.

This customer had his own teks and idea to make some words just a little bigger to give it an extra accent, i thought it is a great idea and you can see that it is nice and playfull.

Her is my friend who wanted something with water,....i told him we need some more than that so we talked about it and we made this funny weird piranha's in a glass blub blub style:)

Mathilda, one of my sweetest customer, alway's a work in progress and keeps on tattooing till she is full. I did a script name on her about a year ago and now she want me to make a sleeve. This is all done freehand and normally i don't do a style like this but it just came without thinking and i am looking foreward to the next session.

Martijn came in and wanted at fist the logo of the punk band Descendents, but than asked me if i could change it a little bit into my own styl, worked out great.

This whas a walk in customer, i had a cancelation and she came in for an Iban design, idraw it up and made her happy.
Project: Solar Roadkill Overdrive, it's a soapbox car build from scrap wood and material i found everywhere. This thing rides and there is a homemade circuit bended sound noise installation in it who you can manual yourself. The whole thing is giving energy by a solar panel at the back who is charging a car battery! I made this art for an exebition in the Artgallery Artkitchen in Amsterdam and gallery Husstege in Den Bosch.  More updates after the expo! Thanx Erik for using your gallery and workingspace 'the Botfactory' and ofcourse your help. Erik is one of my best friends and a great artist who builts artRobots, check out his site:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great styles and love the artwork, all the best Kelly!